Check out these celebrity baby pictures images:
slight underbite, little eyelashes
Image by le-champignon and failure to set white balance...
Actress Sophia Loren with 7-Month-Old Son Carlo Jr., 1969 Life Magazine Photo Shoot
Image by classic_film Published in Life magazine, August 1, 1969 - Vol. 67 No. 5 Excerpt from Life article "A Star Is Born - At Last": When Sophia Loren finally gave birth to Carlo Ponti Jr. in Geneva last December, after highly publicized years of trying and three miscarriages, Carlo Sr. gave the city a million and a half dollar hotel-clinic in gratitude. Now, at seven months, Sophia's baby is making his commercial movie debut, playing Sophia's baby in Sunflower, a Carlo Ponti production. "I hope he won't grow up to be an actor," his mother says. "Or a producer," adds his father. But his training has already begun, with monthly home movie appearances. LIFE's Alfred Eisenstaedt, who photographed the family at their villa, found the baby easy to work with, though changeable. Fair use copyright. If you use this photo, please provide attribution credit; not for commercial use (see Creative Commons license).